- Viewport resolution presets
- Display Bounding Boxes in the Viewport
- Display Joints in the Viewport
- Generate basic Animation
- Generate basic Meshes
- Save statistics as CSV
- Delete all animations
- Display extents of geometry
- Split primitives into several meshes
- Apply Transform
- Option to write autogenerated property names to file
- Transmission texture has no effect
- File extension not being displayed in Save dialog in some cases
- Issue when changing the currently active camera in render mode in Inspector
- Opening new glTF via Drag and Drop may not ask to save unsaved changes in some cases
- Issue when inspecying meshes without min/max values in the glTF
- Updated Qt Installer Framework to include QTIFW-2137
- Gizmo icons not being hidden by Hierarchy hide action
- An issue with importing images on Windows
- Changing lights from point to spot clears values in spot property
- Shading and Wireframe modes may become disabled after switching from Render Mode
- The asset may become invalid after removing Draco Mesh Compression
- Speed of free flight camera mode
- Pro badge in menu not optimized for retina resolutions
- Unlit materials having issues with mask alpha mode
- Small differences in camera fitting between perspective and orthographic cameras
- Integrated fixes from KHRONOS glTF-Sample-Viewer
- Mesh Inspector not opening in some cases
- Some popups become squished after changing properties
- Misleading feedback when OpenGL cannot be initialized
- CTRL+V not working in Viewport
- Normal & Tangent data sometimes being saved without normalization
- Animations influence rendering output even if disabled
- Animation target not modifiable in some cases
- Animation target changes are sometimes not reflected in the animation dropdown
- Inconsistent animation playtimes
- Animation target changes sometimes not reflected in Hierarchy
- World and local space toggle sometimes not working
- Focus selected node not always adjusting camera parameters properly
- Titlebar is sometimes not being restored after fullscreen.
- Possibility to set animation accessor component types to breaking values
- Primitive size not being updated after removing attributes
- Actions for switching projection mode are disabled in render mode
- Perspective ZNear plane in Inspector can show incorrect value
- Import resetting viewport focus
- Wireframe mode sometimes being activated by undoing
- Selection is lost when clicking on an Orientation Cube face
- Missing feedback after removing all nodes in some cases
- Disabled spinboxes becoming hard to read
- Meshes with morph targets break with vertex clustering